Our Favorite Moves of 2010 (So Far)
Even with two months left, the year 2010 has had some great movies that are sure to be hot rentals for years to come. Some of our favorites may not be the most critically acclaimed, but we like them! Here is a list of some of our favorites:
The Book of EliIn my opinion The Book of Eli was a great movie. I always enjoy Denzel Washington in everything he does and this was no exception. The reviews here should have been more favorable.
Shutter IslandOne of my top favorites from 2010 for sure. Such a great mystery all along the way, and the end does not disappoint! This movie made me feel uneasy all the way through, which is a great sign of a Hitchcock style mystery.
Iron Man 2Although it did fall short of the first, it is still a great action super hero movie. Robert Downey Jr. is so perfect for the role you don't want the movie to end. And Mickey Rourke was great, but underutilized.
Karate KidMy kids take Tae Kwon Do lessons, so we had to see this . Not sure what I was expecting, but I really liked it, and so did they. We have rented it quite a few times, and I always want to sit down and watch it all the way through.
InceptionChristopher Nolan is my hero at this point, I've seen every one of his movies many times. This guy knows how to get the job done.
The TownGreat bank robbery movie. Ben Affleck has proved his talent behind the camera, and now has re-proven his talent in front of it.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Greg_McCarty