
Online Jobs for Free - 8 Ways to Make Money From Blogs

Online Jobs for Free - 8 Ways to Make Money From Blogs

Online Jobs for Free - 8 Ways to Make Money From Blogs

One of the easiest ways to get into online jobs for free is with blogging. Back in the early 2000's, there was only a couple of thousand blogs around on the internet. Today there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of them online. This type of growth in such a short time demonstrates the opportunity in this field for each of us. It is genuinely possible to make a decent income blogging with very little effort required if you have a good amount of regular traffic to your blog.

So to give you a head start, I have listed eight ways to make money blogging online:

Adverts: Ads on blogs are the most common method that bloggers make their income. Back in the old days, there was only a selection between AdSense and BlogAds, but now this has changed. Today there is a huge selection of online ads that you can get onto your blog like eMiniMalls, Chitika, Adgenta, AVN, Adbrite and the list goes on. Search online to see how many different opt ions there are.

Sponsoring: Until recently, sponsorships were a bit neglected as a revenue generating tool, this was until bloggers and companies alike recognised the power of having a targeted logo or message on a highly trafficked blog, and the types of profits that could be generated from them. Usually, sponsorships will look for blogs that are on a specific topic.

Affiliate Marketing: An affiliate program is one where you are given advertising and/or marketing material related to a specific product or service, and each time a visitor on your site clicks through to the product and purchases something, you make a commission. Some of the larger affiliate based companies are Clickbank, Amazon, Linkshare and Commission Junction, but there are literally thousands of them ranging from large all the way to small.

Other Services: You can also sell other merchandise or services on your blog like profe ssional services or seminars and training.

Blog Writing: Many people with blogs out there don't actually write their own content. They pay other people to generate the material for their site. This type of online job does take up a lot of time, but can be rewarding, especially if you have some skills in the SEO field.

Donations: A lot of blogs that contain good free content and possibly something tangible like an eBook, audio file or a video to download can ask people to donate some money to them to sustain the blog. This means that people can give what they feel is fair. This can work really well if you have constant changing content.

Retail: With the global interest in online shopping growing year after year, online retail is slowly becoming more and more successful. This includes selling items such as home ware, toys, clothing, movies, music, etc. Even the large grocery retailers are seeing a n increase in the online shopper these days.

Consulting: It is not unusual for subject matter experts to have their own blogs for promotion purposes. But what seems to be happening more and more nowadays is that people with little or no consulting background are charging their visitors money for consulting services and making large amounts of money from them. That is the thing about blogging; it has the ability to make you an expert virtually overnight which can very easily result in financial reward.

So armed with this information, you should be able to setup your online job for free at any one of the many blogging sites like Wordpress, Blogger, Blog or Myblogsite etc. Use the ideas above to make an online income for yourself with the many opportunities there are out there.

John Williams is an expert with the online work field. If you want to learn more about Online Jobs for Free visit my website at http://www.OnlineMoneyEarningSecrets.com where you can sign up for my free mini course about finding online jobs fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_R_M_Williams

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