
Top Movies of 2010

Top Movies of 2010

Top Movies of 2010

Spanning through genres and different types of movies, we have seen how the year 2010 was delivered brilliance of cinema and film making. There have been inspiring dramas, sweet romances and hilarious comedies. There have also been tense action flicks and thrillers. Let's now look at the top movies of 2010. We will see which movies have made it to then ultimate list of top honors and why. We will also focus on the tireless men behind these films-the directors of the top movies of 2010. Their ingenuity and skill also deserves to be praised and acclaimed along with their outputs. So, lets go ahead and check out the cream of crop.

Firstly, my list of top movies of 2010 begins with the Western drama-cum-adventure, True Grit. This is the second adaptation of Charles Portis's classic novel of revenge, Civil War and peril. The story is of a teenage orphan, who sets out with two streetwise gunslingers to avenge the death of her parents. The landscapes and scenario of vio lence, crime and heroism are utterly life like, while the witticisms between the characters make up for moments of fun.

The next is Christopher Nolan's action mystery. Inception is the tale of a gang of sophisticated and tech savvy criminals, who plan to infiltrate a person's mind and convince him to take a decision. The film is largely notable for its fast paced action sequences, innovative special effects and smart dialogues.

Falling in behind is Danny Boyle's 127 Hours. This adaptation of Aaron Ralston's true survival story is a powerful retelling of endurance and struggles inside the claustrophobic canyon. James Franco stars as Ralston, who is trapped inside a canyon in Utah and is eventually forced to take extreme steps to survive and escape.

So, this was the rather modest line up of top movies of 2010. We will now see who the best director of 2010 is. Our nominees include David Russell (The Fighter), Nolan and Danny Boyle. Eventually, the voting goes for Danny Boyle for 127 Hours.

Making the film, despite extreme difficulties, Boyle has managed to make another moving, tragic and painstakingly realistic movie about human endurance, despair and redemption. Boyle chose to shoot in actual canyons, instead of sets. He also wrote the script with Slumdog collaborator Simon Beaufoy. 127 Hours channelizes his flair for both spectacle and grit; as the story progresses, Boyle s direction is both poetic and powerfully poignant.

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