
Movie Reviews For He's Just Not That Into You

Movie Reviews For He's Just Not That Into You

Movie Reviews For He's Just Not That Into You

This is a romantic comedy of interconnecting lives starring Ginnifer Goodwin (Margee from Big love), Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Justin Long (from Die Hard 4.0), Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Connelly and Bradley Cooper. Goodwin plays Gigi Haim, who has just come from a date, where she is misreading every sign, that this could be "the one", despite protests from her friends she insists the date was really into her, and tries to find him.

In the process she happens to meet Bar Steward Alex (Justin Long) who enlightens her on what guys really mean by their behaviors during a date. Alex on the other hand has his own problems committing to a relationship. Ginnifer happens to work with Beth Bartlett (Jennifer Aniston) who is reaching the end of her tethers after seven years with her current boyfriend (Ben Affleck) and his lack of commitment; and Janine Gunders (Jennifer Connelly) who may have rushed her husband (Bradley Cooper) into marriage, he happens to stumble i nto Anna Taylor (Scarlett Johansson), who is keen exploring their "friendship" regardless of his straightforward proclamation of his marriage, their friendship leads to him having to decide if he believes on a chance meeting or be true to his overbearing wife.

Anna is currently in an on off relationship with Conor Barry (Kevin Connolly) an estate salesman, who is trying his best to win her heart, while Mary Harris (Draw Barrymore) is into the world of online dating.

There are superb performances notably from Justin Long, and Ginnifer Goodwin. Goodwin steals the show in almost every scene, her chirpy smile, and vivacious attitude lights up the screen, her infectious attitude definitely grows on you.

It is a nice warm romantic comedy that is sure to tickle the fancy of all with a romantic inclination, with some drama we can all identify with.

Mr. D Stevens is a reviewer at Movie reviews.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Stevens

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