
Give ISP Shaping the Shove and Watch TV Shows Online

Give ISP Shaping the Shove and Watch TV Shows Online

Give ISP Shaping the Shove and Watch TV Shows Online

Increasingly ISPs around the world have resorted to shaping their traffic in order to control the load on their networks. They've had to shape traffic mainly due to the amount of traffic generated by BitTorrent. To put it simply, BitTorrent is a traffic hog. Most of the load, these days, is taken up with this type of traffic more than anything else. So how do you watch TV shows online if your ISP is blocking traffic?

The Internet works by sending data in little packets, each of them with a signature. These packets travel along the path of least resistance and are reassembled on your computer. When you have a file downloaded via torrent, the packets are picked up in a random order and reassembled on your computer in a random order and you eventually get the full file. This is the reason why you have to wait for the torrent to finish before you can view the file. In order to see a website, the packets of information are downloaded in a sequential order, and hence you can see the page. Torrents use a different language to speak to your computer than normal HTTP traffic. This is why they stand out.

If you want to watch TV shows online, you can use streaming traffic to do it without the ISPs being any the wiser. The reason is that streaming media uses a similar protocol to normal website traffic. In fact, the two languages known as Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol or HTTP overlap. In some cases they are even interchangeable. Because of this streaming media is not detected by the ISP as being anything different to normal traffic and it flies underneath the radar.

What you need to access streaming media and watch TV shows online is a client. Actually, it's very similar to a BitTorrent client, and it allows you to pick up TV stations and radio stations and then stream them onto your computer. This is how streaming media works to watch TV. The other way is by going to websites that have the sh ows already on them. If you are in the country of origin for a network that plays one of your favorite shows you can watch the shows that way.

If you want to watch tv shows online, and your torrent traffic is being interfered with by your ISP it can be done by watching streaming media. All you need is the client and you are off and running.

If you are worried about using peer to peer or torrents to download tv shows to your computer then Click Here to discover a great alternative way to watch TV shows online.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tricia_Lake

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