Get Your Popcorn & Style Advice at the Movies
I am addicted to the Hallmark Channel. I admit it! Don't give me violence, angst and heartbreaking suffering, and especially don't make me watch the news. I won't have any of it. Instead, give me a bowl of popcorn and corny movies with happy endings.
This time of year Hallmark runs sappy movies almost non-stop, and I love it. We sit in front of the fire with the kitties piled on the couch with us, drink tea and watch movies that make most of our friends roll their eyes. I don't careâ¦they make me happy.
One of my favorites is a series that started last winter called "The Good Witch."Â The newest one is called "The Good Witch's Gift."Â The series is uplifting, heartfelt and has a fabulous message.
At one point in the movie, Cassie (the star (good witch) of the movie) gave a beautiful, sparkly necklace to Betty, a woman who runs the local bakery and catering store. Betty was reluctant to accept the gift because she felt like she didn't have any place to wear it â" she wasn't used to standing out.
But, after a little encouragement from Cassie (who told her she could give it back later if she wanted to) she put it on and wore it home.To make a long story short, Betty came back a few days later wearing the necklace and a whole new outfit. She looked a little sheepish and mentioned that she adored the necklace but worried that it wasn't her â" that she was being too flashy (she was so used to being behind the scenes, baking and blending in).
Cassie said, "On the contrary, the outer sparkle just helped your inner sparkle shine through."
That's it! That's what creating a wardrobe and personal style is all about â" letting your outer "sparkle" (in whatever form is right for you) reflect your inner sparkle. It doesn't have to be in the form of jewelry or anything that glitters. Depending on who you are, it can be subtle or dramatic, gentle or wild and crazy. It can be in an interesting combination of colors or textureâ¦perhaps a pattern that makes people smile or evokes curiosity.
The key is to unlock YOUR inner "sparkle" and let it radiate out through the clothing and style choices you make. It allows the people who will love who you are at your deepest core see/feel THAT part of you before you've ever said a word to them.
The power in this experience is extraordinary and way underutilized. So, what better time of year to let your sparkle out of hiding than the holidays!
Not sure how to go about it? Here's a little exercise:
â¢Â How does "sparkle" interpret for you and your personal style? Is it sequins and crystals, deliciously shiny fabric, a color that others can't help but notice, or maybe it's an outfit that is so perfectly fit to your body that you look like a movie star? If you aren't sure, take your favorite outfit out of the closet and analyze it for the "sparkle factor" â" it has to be there, or it wouldn't be your favorite (or you're settling for "not terrible" as your favorite).
â¢Â Do you wear a little "sparkle" every day? If not, why not?
â¢Â How do you plan to add more "sparkle factor" to your holiday wardrobe? Be specific.
Never underestimate the power of sparkle. Once you have hit upon yours you won't be able to get dressed without it â" you'll miss it immediately.
Thanksgiving is next week. Whatever your plans are, be sure to add YOUR "sparkle factor" to the celebration simply by allowing your wardrobe to reflect who you are. Remember, it doesn't have to be in-your-face sparkle if that's not your style, it just has to be YOU!
Feel free to share your "sparkle" story here throughout the holidays! It will brighten everyone's day and give others (whose sparkle might be a tad dim) ideas, encouragement and brighten their holiday, too. (And, for those of you who have the "Who Taught You How To Dress?" home study program, please share your "sparkle" pictures on the on-line fashion discussion forum. It will be fun to see how everyone's sparkle is different and reflects their personality.)
Do you avidly watch shows like "What Not to Wear" and think "if only I could have a wardrobe makeover," but you can't see how the transformation would translate for you? Then I can help. Over the past 23 years as a fashion stylist in the Boston area, I have found that many women are ignoring, hiding or are just plain unaware of their innate beauty. Believe it or not, you do not have to be rich and famous or young and thin to have the look you dream of. Yes, with a little guidance you can learn how to dress with joy and ease.
Click here for my Free "Beauty Tool Kit" (