Awesome Choice At Internet Movies Data Base
The Internet movies data base started when Col Needham, a film fanatic, compiled a list with the title Those Eyes. His list comprised the names of actresses who had beautiful eyes that where mesmerizing to the beholder. It started as a hobby and he posted it on a news group. The interest of other film enthusiasts was captured and the concept soon grew at a very rapid rate. Today the IMDb is an immense website with a wealth of information pertaining to the movie and television industry. Â New lists were introduced. Needham started the one of male actors, Andy Krieg continued with the list of actresses and Dave Knight started one of directors. Initially the lists were of people who were still living, but soon the lists also included retired people. A separate list of those actors and actresses who had died was also initiated. The aim was to keep all the lists up to date and as complete and accurate as possible. Â Needham posted tools on October 17, 1990 which allowed users to search the available lists. The IMDb was officially born on this day. Towards the end of 1990 the lists had grown to almost 10,000 movies and television series. Â Many additional categories were added. By 1992 there were filmmaker lists as well as many others of demographic interest. Trivia, biographies and plot summaries all found their way to the site. Movie ratings found a place and an interface was put in place for users to submit email queries and comments. Later in the same year it was placed on the Web. At that time when the WWW was very new, it was called The Cardiff Internet Movie Database. The servers at the computer science department of Cardiff University in the UK were the home for this data. Â Today the Internet Movie Database is the largest movie database on the Web. It is a vast collection of movie information where you can research top movies, news, reviews, trailers, show times, DVD reviews, celebrity profiles and a lot more. It is a vast compilation of all movie related data. Â The search options are as vast as the site itself. There are many search headings. You can narrow your search even further with the extensive drop sown menus available for each search option. There are 20 different parameters to the Word Search option alone. Â This site is a wonderful tool to research any information relating to a movie. Extensive details about the actors and actresses, directors and other cast or crew members can be found. Â Regular users contribute and keep the list of the top 250 movies of all time current. At present the top three movies in order are Shawshank Redemption followed by The Godfather and The Godfather 11. The Good the Bad and the Ugly and Pulp Fiction follow in fourth and fifth place. Â Discussion boards on the site allow fans to post comments. This sometimes leads to somewhat ardent discussion. There are many movies on the site that users can watch or download. The choice is awesome. ÂMarko aka Arkan has been contibuting author for year and have written deozens of articles on many topics. This time Marko bring you closer to the topis of such web service as movie database. If you find it intresting than perhaps you will be also intrested in our film and cinema blog.Â