Affliate Program for Movie website
Affliate Program for Movie website
When we have to choose best affiliate program and best source of our earning, then we need to do some research and development regarding ads.Here in this article I am Giving list of some Good earning generating websites and Programs :
Pay Per Visit Program : A pay per visit program is a new trend of affiliate marketing for publishers and we have to chose which is the best PPV Program. Pay per visit is a new choice of publishers. According to Pay per visit program as many visitors you send on ads you will be paid for them. Later in this article i am sharing list of various Pay per visit Programs in market. As a part of Internet marketing we should chose good Source of earning.Various lists of Pay Per Visit (PPV) Programs.
PPV is becoming new leader in market. From my side I am Sharing Websites Which are Best PPV Programs and I used :1. Clicksor ( - Earning Per 1000 Visitors : $ 5.20
2.Shineads ( - Earning Per 1000 Visitors : $ 8.50
3. Infinity ADS ( - Earning Per 1000 Visitors : $ 4.75 .
Pay Per Click Programs : A Pay per click Program is pays you whenever a Visitor Click on your Ads. In Pay Per click Program We have a fear in mind regarding Invalid Clicks, and if Any one do invalid clicks on Ads then Ad Proviiding Company Can disable your account. Various Pay Per Click Programs are as Follows :1. Google Adsense (
2. Chitika Ads (
Pay Per Sale Program : A Pay per sale program is totally Based on Sales of the products. If visitors buys the product then you will earn but if visitor dont buy the product then you will not earn. There is not doubt that earning Share is good but here is not any guarantee of earning. Website which Provides Pay per click program is :1. Clickbank (
2. Market Bay (
Conclusion : Here if we founds the Conclusion in these ads then I will Go with "Pay Per Visit Program " because we gets Guaranteed earning and here is no fear of Disabling of Account on invalid clicks.Â
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